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Mr. Nilesh M Kapadia, partner, is a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Bombay and is a Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He was placed in the 9th rank in the all India merit list in the final CA Examination held in 1981. In 2012 he has completed LL.M. in International Taxation from Wien University (placed in 5th rank in batch of 2012).

Immediately after qualification he worked for three years as Asst. Tax Manager with M/s A F Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants, which then had an affiliation for India with one of the global big six firms.

Thereafter he started practicing in the name of M/s Nilesh M Kapadia & Co.(Now N M K & Co LLP).

He specializes in the area of International taxation issues, structuring cross border investments, Transfer Pricing strategies and compliance, Structuring Executive compensation, Service tax matters, Foreign Exchange Regulations, Tax issues for BPO units etc.


Mr Nilesh M Kapadia is an active member of the various professional organizations in India. He was a regular faculty on the course on Double Tax Avoidance Agreements being conducted by the Bombay Chartered Accountants Society and the ICAI, and is a regular speaker, both in India and abroad on tax related topics.

He has co-authored books titled Taxation of Non-Residents and International Taxation and FEMA published by the Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society; FEMA Law and Practice published by ICAI, and Master Guide to TDS published by CCH Walters Kluwer.

He is the Hon. Secretary of the International Fiscal Association - India Branch. He was member of the International Taxation Committee of the WIRC of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the Bombay Chartered Accountants Society, and currently is member of the International taxation Committee of the Chamber of Tax Consultants, Mumbai and the Taxation Committee of Bombay Chartered Accountants Society.

He also contributes articles to various websites, professional journals and leading business newspapers on variety of professional topics. He has been appointed on the United Nations Sub Committee on Taxation of Services.


Mr. Amit Purohit is a Fellow Chartered Accountant and holds an additional degree of "Company Secretary and Dip. IFRS from ACCA(UK).

He specializes in the area of Audits and Assurance, IFRS-Ind-AS conversions, with special focus on media, e-commerce based and infrastructure companies. He is an active member of the Bombay Chartered Accountants Society (BCAS), the Chambers of Tax Consultants (CTC) and Western India Regional Council (WIRC) of ICAI.

He is a former member of the Managing Committee of the CTC, and currently a member of Accounting and Audit Committee of BCAS and CTC. He has authored the book on "A Guide to Tax Audit and other Certifications under Income Tax Act, 1961" published by Walters Kluwer-CCH. He was a Sub-group member of "IND AS (IFRS) Implementation Committee" of WIRC for the year 2015-16 and was a part of the Study Group constituted by ICAI on Formulating Guidance Note on Service Concession Arrangements.

He is a Peer reviewer with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and also a Technical reviewer with Financial Reporting Review Board of the ICAI. He also contributes articles to professional journals, research papers and business newspapers including the leading dailies 'The Economic Times' and the 'Times of India' on variety of professional topics including Taxation aspects, Foreign Exchange laws, Transfer Pricing, Offshore Jurisdictions etc.


Anjali possesses rich experience of more than a decade in Taxation (Direct / Indirect) - Compliance and Advisory services. She also specializes in structuring of Employee Compensation (including that of expatriates) and is also in charge of Payroll processing and advising on related Taxation aspects, structuring of ESOPs, Accounting, and allied aspects including MIS reporting as per client needs.


People make the difference in any professional relationship. The quality of our service is embodied in the skills of our people. Their expertise and commitment ensures a responsive and value added service.

In all our engagements, we strive to maintain staff continuity over duration of the assignment, as we believe that keeping the same people in our team over a period of time is the key to productivity and maintaining good client relationship. The Firm has association with firms of Chartered Accountants, Management Consultants, Cost Accountants, Company Secretaries, Lawyers, Engineers and Architects etc. in major cities across India (New Delhi, Bangalore) and overseas (Mauritius, Singapore, Dubai, U.K., U.S.A., Seychelles, Switzerland).

Our resource base enhances our value as an ideal service provider to various clients based in India and abroad.

List of Clients:

Respecting the clients need for confidentiality, this is not furnished here. However, excellent references can be provided. Clients include multinational as well as domestic companies, Indian as well as Foreign Banks, firms and individuals.

Currently, we serve the following industries: Asset Management Companies, Airlines / MRO companies, Advertisement / Endorsement Industries, Banking, BPO / KPO, Certification services, Construction & Infrastructure, Charitable Trusts, Entertainment personalities, Film Industries, Finance and Financial services, Hotels, Hardware & Networking, Internet based delivery service companies, Information Technology Sectors, Insurance, Investment funds, Manufacturing, Media, NGO's, Pharmaceutical, Real Estate, Road Projects, School and management institutes, Surface Coating services Transport, Liquor Distributors, Travel & Tourism, Telecommunications, etc.

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